Savoring Summer's Blessings

By Susan Price

Summer has always been my most favorite season for many reasons, one of which is the warm weather of which I am extremely fond. My mother tells me I was born on one of the hottest days of the year: July 4th. I guess that it's just an innate characteristic of why I adore this season. In fact, if it is under 80 degrees outside, I am cold... Brrrr.....

Another reason why I love the summer is that my son creates an incredibly wonderful garden in our backyard each year. I love the fact that I can more or less grocery shop a few feet away from my garage. Through his vast labors of love, we are able to enjoy a variety of healthy meals. In the photo above, I had gathered some peppers to make stuffed peppers. The alluring colors of the vegetables really drew my attention to the fact that our Lord created and supplied this bountiful and healthy food for our bodies. Our bodies surely benefit from all of these natural vitamins and minerals.

I am mindful of that scripture verse:

Psalm 34:8 (NIV)
"Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."


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