White As Snow
By Susan Price
White as Snow Today is a snow day here in New England, meaning no school and a day already added to the June calendar informing us that the onset set of “suhmuh” vacation will be a day late (providing we don’t have any more snow days this scholastic year). As I was looking out my kitchen window, I could see the snow coming down so lightly, so smoothly, and so peacefully. I wondered how these minute substances could create so much snow in the long run!! Our area is predicted to receive 5-6 inches of this white stuff. Pure white coming down, after which it will turn to black when the plows hit them and when the cars drive over them.
As I was reflecting upon the snow, I was immediately drawn to the condition of my heart. I liken it to the temptations that come to my mind daily. They tend to come in slowly and gradually, oftentimes looking naive and calm yet oh so alluring. If I don’t squelch them immediately, they will increase in intensity, comparable to the descending snow. If I allow them to infiltrate my mind and heart, I may become desensitized to the Holy Spirit and be enticed to merely yield, surrender, and engage in that sin. Ultimately, my uncontrollable nature will lead to a blackened heart, pretty much like the snow after the plows and cars drive over it. What usually follows when yielding to sin is that I have an overwhelming sense of guilt and condemnation. “I blew it again,” I say.
It’s not over, praise God!!! I can be restored, forgiven, and encouraged. So, dear friends, there’s ALWAYS victory in Jesus!!! There’s a new beginning in Him!!
“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."
Isaiah 1:18 (NIV)
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:1 (NIV)